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Pioneer ct f9191 art 213 0 912 free download

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File name:ct_f9191_art_213_0_912.pdf
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Model:ct f9191 art 213 0 912 🔎
Original:ct f9191 art 213 0 912 🔎
Descr: Pioneer Audio CT-F9191 ct_f9191_art_213_0_912.pdf
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File name ct_f9191_art_213_0_912.pdf

CASSETTE TAPE DECK GTIFS|Is|I Additional f' JoruicMnufl,l E m p l o y t h i s a d d i t i o n a l s e r v i c em a n u a l f o r u n i t s w i t h s e r i a ln u m b e r s i n d i c a t e di n ,T a b l e A . For detailed please refer to the Service Manual o f C T - F 9 1 9 1 / K C U ,N B , D V , D P . Table A Type SerialNo KC - 3612501 ./ KU - 3401301 FV - 1308101 FP 250170t - NB 4200507- CT-F9O9OFV - 1301201 (DProNEEFt' CONTENTS 1. S C H E M A T I C I A G R A M SP . C . O A R DP A T T E R N S N D P A R TL I S T S D , B A 1.1 SchematicDiagram 5 1.2 Rec/PB (RWF-054) AmplifierAssembly 7 1.3 SwitchAssembly(RWS-042) 15 1.4 ControlAssembly(RWG-060) 18 1.5 PowerSupplyAssembly(RWR-038) 23 1.6 Transistor Assembly(RWX-137) 25 ADJUSTMENTMANUAL... 27 1. Pinch Roller Pressure Adjustment 28 2. ReelBase TorqueAdjustment . . . . 29 3. TapeSpeedAdjustment. . . . 30 4. Head Azimuth Adjustment . . a 31 5. Playback Level Adjustment 32 6. PlaybackEqualizerAdjustment . . . . 33 7. OVUAdjustment... 34 8. BiasTrap Adjustment . . . . 35

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